Source code for welleng.torque_drag

from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np

    from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
    import plotly.graph_objects as go
    PLOTLY = True
except ImportError:
    PLOTLY = False

from .survey import interpolate_md, Survey
from .units import ureg

[docs] class TorqueDrag:
[docs] def __init__( self, survey, wellbore, string, fluid_density, name=None, wob=None, tob=None, overpull=None, ): """ A class for calculating wellbore torque and drag, based on the "Torque and Drag in Directional Wells--Prediction and Measurement (SPE 11380-PA) by C.A. Johancsik et al. Parameters ---------- survey: welleng.survey.Survey instance The well trajectory of the scenario being modelled. wellbore: welleng.architecture.WellBore instance The well bore architecture of the scenario being modelled. string: welleng.architecture.BHA or welleng.architecture.CasingString instance The string being run inside the well bore for the scenario being modelled. fluid_density: float The density (in SG) of the fluid in the well bore. name: str The name of the scenario being modeled. wob: float The compressive force (weight on bit) applied at the bottom of the string in N. tob: float The torque (torque on bit) applied at the bottom of the string in N.m. overpull: float The tension applied at the bottom of the string in N. """ assert wellbore.complete, "Wellbore not complete" assert string.complete, "String not complete" self.survey_original = survey self.wellbore = wellbore self.string = string self.fluid_density = fluid_density = name self.add_survey_points_from_strings() self.index = np.where( == self.string.bottom)[0][0] + 1 self.get_buoyancy_factors() self.get_inc_average() self.get_inc_delta() self.get_azi_delta() self.get_weight_buoyed_and_radius() self.torque, self.tension = {}, {} self.get_coeff_friction_sliding() self.get_forces_and_torsion() if any((wob, tob, overpull)): self.get_forces_and_torsion(wob=wob, tob=tob, overpull=overpull)
[docs] def add_survey_points_from_strings(self): """ Check that there's survey stations for the top and bottoms of the string sections to ensure that the torque and drag is calculated for these key locations. """ q = [] for k, v in self.wellbore.sections.items(): if v['bottom'] in continue else: q.append(interpolate_md( self.survey_original, v['bottom'] )) for k, v in self.string.sections.items(): if v['bottom'] in continue else: q.append(interpolate_md( self.survey_original, v['bottom'] )) md, inc, azi = (, self.survey_original.inc_rad.tolist(), self.survey_original.azi_grid_rad.tolist() ) md.extend([[-1] for station in q]) inc.extend([station.inc_rad[-1] for station in q]) azi.extend([station.azi_grid_rad[-1] for station in q]) md, inc, azi = zip(*sorted(zip(md, inc, azi))) sh = self.survey_original.header sh.azi_reference = 'grid' self.survey = Survey( md=md, inc=inc, azi=azi, header=sh, deg=False )
[docs] def get_buoyancy_factors(self): """ Determine the buoyancy factor for each string section and add it to the string sections dict. """ for k, v in self.string.sections.items(): v['buoyancy_factor'] = buoyancy_factor( self.fluid_density, v['density'] )
[docs] def get_inc_average(self): self.inc_average = np.zeros_like(self.survey.inc_rad) self.inc_average[1:] = np.average( (self.survey.inc_rad[1:], self.survey.inc_rad[:-1]), axis=0 )
[docs] def get_inc_delta(self): self.inc_delta = np.zeros_like(self.survey.inc_rad) self.inc_delta[1:] = self.survey.inc_rad[1:] - self.survey.inc_rad[:-1]
[docs] def get_azi_delta(self): self.azi_delta = np.zeros_like(self.survey.azi_grid_rad) self.azi_delta[1:] = ( self.survey.azi_grid_rad[1:] - self.survey.azi_grid_rad[:-1] )
[docs] def get_characteristic_od(self, section): if bool(self.string.sections[section].get('tooljoint_od')): return self.string.sections[section]['tooljoint_od'] else: return self.string.sections[section]['od']
[docs] def get_weight_buoyed_and_radius(self): section = 0 weights = [0] diameter = [self.get_characteristic_od(section)] for md, delta_md in zip([1:], self.survey.delta_md[1:]): if md > self.string.bottom: break while 1: if ( self.string.sections[section]['top'] < md <= self.string.sections[section]['bottom'] ): weights.append( self.string.sections[section]['unit_weight'] * delta_md * self.string.sections[section]['buoyancy_factor'] ) diameter.append( self.get_characteristic_od(section) ) break else: section += 1 self.weight_buoyed = np.array(weights) self.radius = np.array(diameter) / 2
[docs] def get_coeff_friction_sliding(self): section = 0 friction = [self.wellbore.sections[section]['coeff_friction_sliding']] for md, delta_md in zip([1:], self.survey.delta_md[1:]): if md > self.wellbore.bottom: break while 1: if ( self.wellbore.sections[section]['top'] < md <= self.wellbore.sections[section]['bottom'] ): friction.append( self.wellbore.sections[section]['coeff_friction_sliding'] # noqa: E501 ) break else: section += 1 self.coeff_friction_sliding = np.array(friction)
[docs] def get_forces_and_torsion(self, wob=False, tob=False, overpull=False): if any((wob, tob)): assert tob, "Can't have WOB without TOB" assert wob, "Can't have TOB wihtouh WOB" ft = [np.array([0.0, -wob, -wob])] tn = [tob] else: ft = [np.zeros(3)] tn = [0] if overpull: ft[0][0] = overpull fn = [] for row in zip( self.inc_average[:self.index][::-1], self.inc_delta[:self.index][::-1], self.azi_delta[:self.index][::-1], self.weight_buoyed[::-1], self.coeff_friction_sliding[:self.index][::-1], self.radius ): ( inc_average, inc_delta, azi_delta, weight_buoyed, coeff_friction_sliding, radius ) = row fn.append(force_normal( ft[-1], inc_average, inc_delta, azi_delta, weight_buoyed )) ft.append(ft[-1] + np.array(force_tension_delta( weight_buoyed, inc_average, coeff_friction_sliding, fn[-1] ))) tn.append(tn[-1] + np.array(torsion_delta( coeff_friction_sliding, fn[-1][2], radius ))) fn = np.array(fn)[::-1] ft = np.array(ft)[::-1][1:] tn = np.array(tn)[::-1][1:] if wob: self.tension["drilling"] = ft[:, 2] self.tension["sliding"] = ft[:, 1] else: self.tension['slackoff'] = ft[:, 1] self.tension['rotating'] = ft[:, 2] if tob: self.torque['drilling'] = tn else: self.torque['rotating'] = tn if overpull: self.tension['overpull'] = ft[:, 0] else: self.tension['pickup'] = ft[:, 0] self.wob, self.tob, self.overpull = wob, tob, overpull
[docs] def figure(self): return figure_string_tension_and_torque(self)
[docs] def force_normal( force_tension, inc_average, inc_delta, azi_delta, weight_buoyed, ): result = np.sqrt( (force_tension * azi_delta * np.sin(inc_average)) ** 2 + ( force_tension * inc_delta + weight_buoyed * np.sin(inc_average) ) ** 2 ) return result
[docs] def force_tension_delta( weight_buoyed, inc_average, coeff_friction_sliding, force_normal ): A = weight_buoyed * np.cos(inc_average) B = coeff_friction_sliding * force_normal pickup, slackoff, rotating = A + B * np.array([1, -1, 0]) return (pickup, slackoff, rotating)
[docs] def torsion_delta( coeff_friction_sliding, force_normal, radius ): result = coeff_friction_sliding * force_normal * radius return result
[docs] def buoyancy_factor(fluid_density, string_density=7.85): """ Parameters ---------- fluid_density: float The density of the fluid in SG. string_density: float The density of the string, typically made from steel. Returns ------- result: float The buoyancy factor when when multiplied against the string weight yields the bouyed string weight. """ result = (string_density - fluid_density) / string_density return result
[docs] class HookLoad:
[docs] def __init__( self, survey, wellbore, string, fluid_density, step=30, name=None, ff_range=(0.1, 0.4, 0.1) ): """ A class for calculating the hookload or broomstick plot data for running or pulling a string in a wellbore. Parameters ---------- survey: welleng.survey.Survey instance The well trajectory of the scenario being modelled. wellbore: welleng.architecture.WellBore instance The well bore architecture of the scenario being modelled. string: welleng.architecture.BHA or welleng.architecture.CasingString instance The string being run inside the well bore for the scenario being modelled. fluid_density: float The density (in SG) of the fluid in the well bore. step: float The measured depth step distance in meters to move the string. name: str The name of the scenario being modeled. ff_range: (3) tuple The start, stop and step for the range of friction factors to be used in the hookload calculations. """ self.survey = survey self.wellbore = wellbore self.string = string self.fluid_density = fluid_density = name self.step = step self.get_ff_range(ff_range) self.get_data()
[docs] def get_ff_range(self, ff_range): self.ff_range = np.arange(*ff_range).tolist() self.ff_range.append(ff_range[1])
[docs] def get_data(self): = {} self.md_range = np.arange( + self.step, self.string.bottom, self.step ).tolist() self.md_range.append(self.string.bottom) for ff in self.ff_range: wellbore_temp = deepcopy(self.wellbore) for k in wellbore_temp.sections.keys(): wellbore_temp.sections[k]['coeff_friction_sliding'] = ff[ff] = {} data_temp = [] for md in self.md_range: bha_temp = self.string.depth(md) data_temp.append( TorqueDrag( self.survey, wellbore_temp, bha_temp, fluid_density=self.fluid_density, ) ) for t in data_temp[0].tension.keys():[ff][t] = [ d.tension[t][0] for d in data_temp ]
[docs] def figure(self): return figure_hookload(self)
[docs] def figure_string_tension_and_torque( td, units=dict( depth='ft', tension='lbf', torque='ft_lbf' ) ): assert PLOTLY, "Please install plotly" fig = make_subplots(rows=1, cols=2) for k, v in td.tension.items(): fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=((v * ureg('N')).to(units['tension'])).m, y=(( * ureg.meters).to(units['depth'])).m, name=f"tension: {k}", ), row=1, col=1 ) for k, v, in td.torque.items(): fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=((v * ureg('Nm')).to(units['torque'])).m, y=(( * ureg.meters).to(units['depth'])).m, name=f"torque: {k}", ), row=1, col=2 ) fig.update_layout( title_text=( f"<b>wellbore:</b> {}<br>" + f"<b>string:</b> {}" ), xaxis=dict( title=f"Tension ({units['tension']})" ), yaxis=dict( autorange='reversed', title=f"MD ({units['depth']})", exponentformat='none', ), xaxis2=dict( title=f"Torque ({units['torque']})" ), yaxis2=dict( autorange='reversed', title=f"MD ({units['depth']})", exponentformat='none', ) ) return fig
[docs] def figure_hookload( hl, units=dict( depth='ft', tension='lbf', torque='ft_lbf' ) ): assert PLOTLY, "Please install plotly" fig = go.Figure() lines = [None, 'dashdot', 'dash', 'dot'] md = ((hl.md_range * ureg.meters).to(units['depth'])).m annotations = [] for i, (k, v) in enumerate( x = ((v['slackoff'] * ureg('N')).to(units['tension'])).m fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=x, y=md, name=f"SOFF: {k:.2f}", line=dict(color='blue', dash=lines[i]) ), ) annotations.append( dict( x=x[-1], y=md[-1], xanchor='center', yanchor='top', text=f'{k:.2f}', showarrow=False, font=dict( color='blue' ) ) ) for i, (k, v) in enumerate( fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=((v['rotating'] * ureg('N')).to(units['tension'])).m, y=md, name=f"RoffBFF: {k:.2f}", line=dict(color='green') ) ) break for i, (k, v) in enumerate( x = ((v['pickup'] * ureg('N')).to(units['tension'])).m fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=x, y=md, name=f"PUFF: {k:.2f}", line=dict(color='red', dash=lines[i]) ), ) annotations.append( dict( x=x[-1], y=md[-1], xanchor='center', yanchor='top', text=f'{k:.2f}', showarrow=False, font=dict( color='red' ) ) ) title_text = ("<b>wellbore:</b>") for i, (k, v) in enumerate(hl.wellbore.sections.items()): coupler = "" if i == 0 else "and " title_text += ( f" {coupler}{v['name']}" + f" to {((v['bottom'] * ureg.meters).to(units['depth'])).m:.0f}" + f"{units['depth']}" ) title_text += "<br><b>string:</b>" last = len(hl.string.sections.keys()) - 1 for i, (k, v) in enumerate(list(hl.string.sections.items())[::-1]): coupler = "" if i == 0 else "and " if i == last: title_text += ( f" {coupler}{v['name']}" + " to surface" ) else: title_text += ( f" {coupler}{v['name']}" + f" ({((v['length'] * ureg.meters).to(units['depth'])).m:.0f}" + f"{units['depth']})" ) fig.update_layout( title_text=title_text, xaxis=dict( title=f"Hook-Load ({units['tension']})" ), yaxis=dict( autorange='reversed', title=f"MD ({units['depth']})", exponentformat='none', ), annotations=annotations ) return fig